Urine Therapy can control and cure all chronic diseases if it is adopted in a proper method. It is the safest method of treatment and it does not have any side effects.You have to drink plenty of water, few glasses of juices and drink minimum 2.5 liters of Urine (and above) per day and eat a light diet. Apart from that, you have to massage your full body (from head to toe) with Urine and keep Urine wet pack around the stomach.
You can go for “Urine fasting” by only drinking Urine and water for 2 days in a week.You have to do fasting without drinking any juice and without eating any food.It will give you better and faster results. Cancer can be Controlled and Cured without Surgery and Chemotherapy Natural Benefits of Urine Therapy is that It has Natural Healing Powers to Control and Cure all kinds of Diseases.
It is very effective healing modality and most powerful Natural treatment. It cures: Stomach Cancer "CARCINOMA STOMACH" Ovarian Cancer "PAPILLARY ADENOCARCINOMA", Breast Cancer Diabetes, Kidney Failure Nephritic Syndrome "A disease of Kidney where protein is lost in the urine" Gall Bladder Stones Motor Neuron Disease Muscular Dystrophy Mental Retardation Cerebral Palsy Vision, Hearing problem and Deformity Acute Lumbar Spondylosis "A L S" Premenstrual syndrome "P M S" Low Sperms counts & low Motility Asthma, Paralysis, Ulcer, Psoriasis, Skin problem, Thyroids, Hair Loss etc.
Urine Therapy is an entirely drugless effective system of healing all kinds of Chronic Diseases and maintaining good health. Most of the people have a stigma attached to “Urine” as they are not aware of its benefits. They should develop the positive attitude, and realize the natural healing power within us. Persons suffering from chronic disease who adopt Urine Therapy in a cheerful manner and with the positive attitude will realize and observe the benefits in their mental and physical health within a short period of 10 to 15 days.
The proper method of Urine therapy is Drinking Urine, Massaging the whole body with Urine, keeping Urine wet pack, drinking water, and juices and by maintaining a balanced light diet. Persons who adopt this treatment in a proper method will pass white colorless Urine (like water) which does not contain any smell and they can gain proper knowledge to achieve maximum benefits. Doctors and scientists should believe the facts that “URINE has Natural Divine Healing Power” and there is only one Natural remedy which can Control and Cure various kinds of Diseases.
Monday, 8 May 2017
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